Saturday, 8 February 2014

Women Leaders & Networking

In this article I wish to share some of the lessons I have been privileged to and have been led to learn from through inspiring, leading and professing Women via Twitter Network.

I am privileged to many lessons from many great speakers, writers, authors, editors, musicians, awareness campaigners, political activists, politicians, business leaders, and Everyone who only do good. I wish to thank You All and express my gratitude to Yourselves and Everyone welcome to Women's Rights, Women's Leadership, Women's Empowerment & Feminism.

Through the networks Women have created I am welcomed to great groups, organisations, campaigns, petitions, pledges, projects, thoughts, ideas, conversations, lessons, friendships, music, film, websites, to endless support in part to Women's Rights, Women's Leadership and Women's Empowerment.

I am welcomed to a network called 'I Am That Girl', Their lesson states "mental well-being is rooted in her self-worth. And we are living in an epidemic of self-doubt", I find the constant realisation of focused self-development as I learn to fight my self-doubt to realise the earth's dream of dignity to shed light on each and every Girl on this planet. Girls on earth are to walk each and every street in broadening lights of dignity, love, compassion, happiness, fulfilment to seek Their leadership in guiding each and every one angel born to a life of self-realisation as God's heavens intends for Each One of Us. Earth's mechanism of necessity to have people work for it to shed the environment with self-fulfilment, music, film, friendships, love, marriage, births, celebrations, 'Peter Pan experiences' and realise all of Our dreams is a gift that Women shares with Us upon Our welcome to society, whether it be a hospital birth, home birth, car birth, or under any circumstances and it is a requisite All People of earth work for Women's Rights, Women's Leadership and Women's Empowerment as these are Our favourite means to accomplishment. Earth has a right to life because Women shares life for We to realise Her greatest Right of leadership - birth. We are born thanking Women. Earth celebrates thanking Women's leadership of her birthing. Everyone works for Women's Rights through Women's leadership and Women's empowerment. Every latter realisation in Women's Rights is a forever greater celebration as Our origin of birthday has shed the following happiness. We will always follow Our birth to realise happiness, so lets start realising Women's Rights to start Our celebrations. I feel great privilege as Girls share Their stories how I am to assume my lifestyle to be able to learn the works required for my efforts to support society by all means for Her to witness how joy, friendships, love, careers and all Her wishes and dreams are welcoming Her to take part as She walks Her Red Shoes across the town bearing the fruits of happiness to Everyone in Her leadership as a Women. Girls on 'I Am That Girl' forces most sincere happiness within me as I stand abide learning how simplified my life may be lived for as long as She welcomes Everyone to contribute to Her leadership. I am able to find greatest happiness as feminine writing professes and I too write on the same greatest study on earth. To me Women's Rights are all God's works for I to study and be part to, they are all I require to realise my potential and be witness to a greatest lifestyle earth has to offer.

I have been welcomed to friendships with Female authors, shared finest conversations, been gifted a personal novel and I am now to read, understand, believe, share my inspirations and return to express my gratitudes and feelings from gains in lessons out the novel. I am to read a novel called 'The Making Of Nebraska Brown' by Louise Caiola. I am privileged to receive a personal electronic copy, a greatest of gifts - thank You Author Louise Caiola.

I have been welcomed to learn from inspiring Female Artists of art and music and even medical film. I am welcomed to studies in music where I am let to step in functioning of society as I study life's involvement through audio of vocals and melodies. I am welcomed to witness life of earth take part to presence of music, I am let to learn how a Female Artist leads Her performance and the amplifying audience's turn to social beliefs, it is a huge interest to witness participants and seek common works for Women's Rights, Women's Leadership and Women's Empowerment. Female Artists offer a unique source in music, a source to witness men be part to social standards, social behaviour, social norms, social beliefs, social perfection as illustrated in Female Artists music through Their expression of Women's Rights, Women's Leadership and Women's Empowerment. Earth has no end to Women's Rights, Women's Leadership and Women's Empowerment, for as long as it is a Mother welcoming an angel to earth, it is a Women's Right that Everyone dreams towards. I am too welcomed to study Women's interaction with artwork, I am privileged to find a Women's expression through art and share happiness in forms of inspiration.
I am too in great self-fulfilling happiness, study, learning and through shared conversations with leading Women at Women Like Us Foundation, Red Shoe Movement, Women Thrive, Women Working, Feminist, Feminist Campus, Women's Rights, among many others I learn of leadership for personal lifestyle. I believe personal leadership as a man is one working for Women's leadership. Since I am a Son, my greatest leadership qualities and skills have developed through works for Women's leadership, I believe these to be the means to successful leadership for Me - thank You Our Female leaders. Women are leading Us to successes of all kinds. One of Our greatest realisations now and of all time are when We are appreciating all that we cherish and shout out that this is only the occurrence due to Mothers let for We to develop. I am inspired to live in society where Women thrive in success of Their leadership for the development of Everyone. I am inspired by means to seek most just employment, work, friendship and passions of love as Women have guided I to all that I wish and that is life through Women's leadership since an infant, before and after years of growing up and growing old. I am presented with a greatest gift on earth the gift of leadership, I am most honoured, cared for and loved while Women are leading all spheres of society that influence me greatest. Sure I am too less intrigued in other works of other people but this too is only a celebration for all witnessing, illustrating the decree to which I am fortunate enough to aspire to work for all wishes and dreams of Women, this is a great base for new friendships and it is a greatest of origins. Now I dream to force myself to be a favourite of employees at work, community and friendships with society presenting Women in majority of occupations, it is not enough that Women are Our greatest leaders - We must earn a lifestyle where Women occupy the greatest majority of occupations at the highest tier with All of Us remaining working for Women as instructed. It is wrong to be part to behaviourism forcing weaknesses in character by means of governing a Lady and seeking Our greatest Leader - Our Mother , to work under the demeaning circumstance of a men's supervision while desiring children, who men often manipulate into evil demeanour and force ridicule on all successful men. Successful men who work for Women. Men who work for Women's Rights, Women's Leadership and Women's Empowerment.



Persons & Communities via Twitter Network:

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